Heart; Say No to Statins by Wanda
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Author: Michalewska, Wanda Publisher:
Metaramp, Incorporated Subject: Health Subject:
Cholesterol Reduction Subject: Healthy Diet Subject:
Weight Loss Edition Number: 1
Publication Date: December 2003 Formats: .pdf File,
Hard Copy Language: English Pages: 35 Size:
150 KB
From the
When it comes to writing many doctors,
including me, spend much of our lives in denial of the reality that
success of our work depends on the mercy of the retailer and loyalty
of the publisher. Internet gives us a unique opportunity. Within a
couple of days you will receive a complete assessment of everything
that you have done. There is no bigger critic than an ordinary
Internet user. There is no quicker and honest reaction on your work
than receiving emails from people who are looking for answers that
they cannot get in our offices.
Medgrip Review
The new edition of "Say No to Statins" covers
all aspects of the "Cholesterol Paranoia" phenomenon and offers a
comprehensive alternative cholesterol reduction program based on
natural supplements, reasonable dietary changes and moderate
physical activity. The first edition has been expanded and
improved to provide a concise view of "Cholesterol Agenda" in a
convenient and practical format. The whole argument of the book
is how significantly everyone can change his or her internal
biochemistry without becoming dependent on controversial drugs. In
contrast to most books of this genre, the reader is not overburdened
by descriptions of laboratory techniques and medical terminology.
Q.In the book's opening pages
you are really intimidating readers by criticizing drugs such as
Zocor, Lipitor, and other drugs of the Statins group. Are they really
that bad? A. This is a typical question I am getting in
my emails on a regular basis. The short answer is No. These
drugs have critically important benefits to certain group of people.
Because of these benefits, these drugs extend life in this group --
including, particularly, middle aged or moderately elderly men at
high risk of heart disease. However benefit to survival with statins
or other cholesterol-lowering agents has never been demonstrated in
people outside this group. In the older group, risk-benefit ratio
may be even less favorable. Look, when someone has two choices:
The inevitable death at age 75-78 from a cardiovascular system
failure (this still being the leading cause of death in old age or A
very possible death from liver failure at age 65-67 due to usage of
these Drugs. I think the answer becomes apparent. Unfortunately
pharmaceutical giants are presenting a slightly different picture to
the general public. For example let us say if your total cholesterol
is 240 and you are ready to spend 3-4 hours switching TV channels,
you will get the clear impression that by the age 50 stroke or heart
attack will be your inevitable destiny. My message is clear:
First - Do not to fixate yourself on the idea
that you need to reduce your cholesterol no matter what the cost may
be. Second -If you happen to be fixated on the
idea that reducing your cholesterol is a key to ultimate health, you
do not need to do it by taking Zocor & Co. You can do so by
using natural ingredients and only moderately changing your
I remember the story of how in the
1920s General Motors systematically purchased trolley systems across
the country and immediately proceeded to rip up the track to help
create more demand for buses and highways? A. I would not
think of such a harsh comparison. In fact I believe the American
pharmaceutical industry is the best in the world. With its
tremendous research and development many things have become a
routine procedure today, things that were considered a miracle
yesterday. Of course not every product of Merck or Pfizer is from
that "miraculous" category. But again, your comparison is too
Q. What about the reaction from
readers? A. In Europe the tremendous popularity for my
book speaks for itself. Let me ask you this question: Why are people
searching the web for natural alternatives to statins drugs?
First: Because I am not alone in my judgment
of statins. Second: Even without any
professional knowledge, people have a “gut feeling” that something
is fishy about these drugs.
Q. You have clearly put a lot of
effort into making sure that the book speaks to people who may not
have a lot of exercising experience, people who enjoy great food and
are reluctant to make any dietary changes. What are your comments on
this? A. I am trying to be tuned to the reality as much
as possible. From my personal experience and from my own research I
know that the harder you push your mind and body, the sooner in will
snap back at you. When cholesterol reduction sources are advising to
run 30 miles per week and permanently replace cheesecake with a soy
imitation, I have a skeptical smile on my face.
Q. I've been talking to people about
your book and the concepts you present in it. One friend's reaction
was fascinated to me. She was visibly upset - not because she did
not agree with you, but because she learned that with minimum effort
and using only natural ingredients she would be able to reduce her
cholesterol to acceptable numbers. A. I want to give my
definition of "Natural Ingredients" Natural does not mean safe. All
of the deliberate poisoning in ancient Rome were carried out by
"Natural Ingredients." I beg your pardon for my ironic manner, but
this is the only way to teach people on how to make their own
intelligent decisions regarding natural healing. This is not to say
that the components I am offering in my book are not safe. This is
just a warning that not everything that is advertised as "natural"
is good. Indeed the products I am offering are safe and have been
used for centuries. I am just rediscovering them for the reader.
As for "Acceptable Numbers" I want to stress the fact that in
every case one's total cholesterol count should be evaluated through
a prism of all health factors of that individual. Not every
cholesterol number is "acceptable" for EVERY individual.
Q. Has the response to the book been
different in the United States compare to the other parts of the
world? A. Actually I am really surprised by the response
in the United States. From my experience Europeans are less
dependable on prescription medications. This is a true statement not
only for cardiovascular heath, but for general health as well, and
mental health in particular. We are already labeled as a "Prozac
Nation". I think "Statins Nation" label is not too far away from us.
Nevertheless reports from the Distribution Company indicate that
70% of the downloads are coming from the United States and Canada.
The "Feed Back" ratio is the same. It may also be due to the fact
that Internet exposure is much higher in this region. Language
barrier plays an important role as well.
Q. Do you read everything that people
are saying about your book via feed back? A. Yes. I am
anxious to see how they are going to turn out. After the first few
days it becomes easier to wait. However the first couple days I was
feverishly going on the Internet to see how people are responding.
Q. Looking back to the days when you were practicing
medicine do you still think of yourself as a doctor? A.
For me "Doctor" means not only a current occupation but also a
general attitude toward people's needs.
Q. In the interviews you have been
giving to promote this new book, has anyone asked a question that
has caught you off guard? A. No. This book represents
what we have learned about cholesterol in the thirty years we have
been in practice - picking up new information, making decisions
about one thing or another and growing with it.
Are there any books or authors that you fall back on and rely on
consistently? A. There is some research I follow.
Unfortunately not much of it is available. I do not follow authors
as much as I watch the research and data.
Q. After so much has
been said about cholesterol do you believe there is still not enough
research out there? A. Unfortunately this is a true
statement. The biggest research has been done of course by
manufacturers of statins. But even if they'll agree to reveal the
data, they have discovered it would be still roughly 50% of what
needs to be done. It is even more frustrating to know that software
and hardware necessary for such research do not cost much.
Q. What advice do you give young doctors who are
willing to do this comprehensive research? A. It is hard
work, but at the same time it is interesting and rewarding. You
should go for it if you are the kind of person who approaches
everything with mathematical and calculating mind.
While you were researching and writing this book every major
manufacturer of statins came out with at least one more brand…
A. …Claiming "less side effects" and improved "ability to
reduce cholesterol." I think it wouldn't change my opinion. I
presented my position on statins firmly.
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Medical Disclaimer
This program serves as a natural healthcare option, and the information provided herein is, by no means, complete. The buyer of this program is advised to consult as needed with professional practitioners in the varied areas of healthcare. If you are currently using statins or other cholesterol reduction drugs talk to your M.D. before making any changes; the abrupt withdrawal from pharmaceuticals can have serious consequences. Each individual responds uniquely to every form of medicine, whether pharmaceutical, herbal or otherwise, and the key to successful self-care with natural healing medicines and therapies is paying attention to your body's responses and taking responsibility for one's own health. METARAMP Inc. therefore disclaims any responsibility for any adverse effects that result from your use of the information in this book.